Articles on: Mixin Safe
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How to delete members?

You can delete the members with the following condition:
You must discard all Safes associated with this member in order to delete it!

Find the members list

Log into the Safe dashboard, click the Members tab on the left side, and check the members' list, click the view button to check the member details;

If the amount of the "Managed Safe" is not 0, you need to delete all related safes that are associated with this member before deleting the operation.

Delete members

Tap the delete member button
You need to click the Delete member button on the details page;

Scenario 1

The screen displays a list of safes associated with the member. If the safe has not been discarded, you cannot click the Delete button, and you need to Discard the Safe before proceeding;

Scenario 2

If the page shows that the list of safes associated with the member has been discarded, you can click Delete to proceed to the next step;

Confirm the deleting operation

Successfully delete the member

Updated on: 20/10/2023